Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Blair, L., Avaritt, N. and Tackett, A. (2012) Application of MassSQUIRM for quantitative measurements of lysine demethylase activity. J Vis Exp, 11.
Byrum, S., Avaritt, N., Mackintosh, S., Munkberg, J., Badgwell, B., Cheung, W. and Tackett, A. (2011) A quantitative proteomic analysis of FFPE melanoma. J Cutan Pathol, 38, 933-936.
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Byrum, S., Washam, C., Montgomery, C., Tackett, A. and Suva, L. (2012) Proteomic technologies for the study of osteosarcoma. Sarcoma.
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Singh, A., Hauer-Jensen, M., Kumar, S. and Compadre, C. (2011) Molecular modeling analysis of the inhibition of mitochondrial cytochrome Bcl complex activity by tocol derivatives. Proceeding American Institute of Physics, 1326, 143-149.
Cellular Physiology and Molecular Biophysics
Arumugam, K., MacNicol, M., Wang, Y., Cragle, C., Tackett, A., Hardy, L. and MacNicol, A. (2012) Ringo/cyclin-dependent kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways regulate the activity of the cell fate determinant Musashi to promote cell cycle re-entry in Xenopus oocytes. J Biol Chem, 287, 10639-10649.
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Jayroe, J., Soulsby, M. and Chowdhury, P. (2012) Attenuation of tissue oxidative stress by dietary restriction in rats on simulated microgravity. Ann Clin and Lab Sci, 42, 301-305.
Jennings, M. and Cui, J. (2012) Inactivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sulfate transporter Sul2p: use it and lose it. Biophys J, 102, 768-776.
Kamykowski, J., Carlton, P., Sehgal, S. and Storrie, B. (2011) Quantitative immunofluorescence mapping reveal little functional coclustering of proteins within platelet a-granules. Blood, 118, 1370-1373.
Pabona, J., Simmen, F., Nikiforov, M., Zhuang, D., Shankar, K., Velarde, M., Zelenko, Z., Giudice, L. and Simmen, R. (2012) Krüppel-like factor 9 and progesterone receptor coregulation of decidualizing endometrial stromal cells: implications for the pathogenesis of endometriosis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 97, E376-392.
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Pokrovskaya, I., Willett, R., Smith, R., Morelle, W., Kudlyk, T. and Lupashin, V. (2011) Conserved oligomeric Golgi complex specifically regulates the maintenance of Golgi glycosylation machinery. Glycobiology, 21, 1554-1569.
Simmons, C., Pabona, J., Heard, M., Friedman, T., Spataro, M., Godley, A., Simmen, F., Burnett, A. and Simmen, R. (2011) Krüppel-like factor 9 loss-of-expression in human endometrial carcinoma links altered expression of growth-regulatory genes with aberrant proliferative response to estrogen. Biol Reprod, 85, 378-385.
Su, Y., Shankar, K., Rahal, O. and Simmen, R. (2011) Bidirectional signaling of mammary epithelium and stroma: implications for breast cancer–preventive actions of dietary factors. J Nutr Biochem, 22, 605-611.
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Robinson, G., Mahurin, S. and Justus, B. (2011) Predicting difficulties in learning phonetic transcription: Phonemic awareness screening for beginning speech-language pathology students. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders, 20, 87-95.
Zraick, R., Atcherson, S. and Brown, A. (2012) Readability of patient-reported outcome questionnaires for use with persons who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 37, 20-24.
Zraick, R., Atcherson, S. and Ham, B. (2011) Readability of patient-reported outcome questionnaires for use with persons with swallowing disorders. Dysphagia.
Zraick, R., Carr, P., Gregg, B., Smith-Olinde, L., Ghormley, C. and Hutton, T. (2011) Information units produced by persons with mild Alzheimer-s disease during a picture description task. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 19, 37-45.
Zraick, R., Smith-Olinde, L. and Shotts, L. (2012) Adult normative data for the KayPentax Phonatory Aerodynamic System Model 6600. Journal of Voice, 26, 164-176.
Health Promotion and Prevention Research
Montgomery, B., Stewart, K., Wright, P., McSweeney, J. and Booth, B. (2012) “We as drug addicts need that program’: Insight from rural African American cocaine users on designing a sexual risk reduction intervention for their community. Substance Use and Misuse, 47, 44-55.
Stewart, K., Wright, P., Sims, D., Tyner, K. and Montgomery, B. (2012) The “translators”: Engaging former drug users as key research staff to design and implement a risk reduction program for rural cocaine users. Substance Use and Misuse, 47, 547-554.
Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences
Arumugam, K., MacNicol, M., Wang, Y., Cragle, C., Tackett, A., Hardy, L. and MacNicol, A. (2012) Ringo/cyclin-dependent kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways regulate the activity of the cell fate determinant Musashi to promote cell cycle re-entry in Xenopus oocytes. J Biol Chem, 287, 10639-10649.
Griffin, R., Williams, B., Koonce, N., Bischof, J., Song, C., Asur, R. and Upreti, M. (2012) Vascular disrupting agent arsenic trioxide enhances thermoradiotherapy of solid tumors. J Oncol.
Huang, Y., Simms, A., Mazur, A., Wang, S., Leon, N., Jones, B., Aziz, N. and Kelly, T. (2011) Fibroblast activation protein-a promotes tumor growth and invasion of breast cancer cells through non-enzymatic functions. Clin Ex Metastasis, 28, 567-579.
Kelly, T., Huang, Y., Simms, A. and Mazur, A. (2012) Fibroblast activation protein-a: A key modulator of the microenvironment in multiple pathologies. In Jeon, K. (ed.) International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology. Springer, Vol. 297, pp. 83-116.
Khan, N., Lombeida, J., Singh, M., Spencer, H. and Torralba, K. (2012) Association of industry funding with the outcome and quality of randomized controlled trials of drug therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum.
Khan, N. and Sokka, T. (2011) Declining needs for total joint replacements for rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Research and Therapy.
Khan, N., Spencer, H., Abda, E., Aggarwal, A., Alten, R., Ancuta, C., Anderson, D., Bergman, M., Craig-Muller, J., Detert, J., Georgescu, L., Gossec, L., Hamoud, H., Jacobs, J., Laurindo, I., Majdan, M., Naranjo, A., Pandya, S., Pohl, C., Schett, G., Selim, Z., Toloza, S., Yamanaka, H. and Sokka, T. (2012) Determinants of discordance in patients’ and physicians’ rating of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity. Arthritis Care and Research, 64, 206-214.
Kim, K., Greenfield, W., Cannon, M., Coleman, H., Spender, H. and Nakagawa, M. (2012) CD4+ T-cell response against human papillomavirus Type 16 E6 protein is associated with a favorable clinical trend. Cancer Immunol Immunother, 61, 63-70.
MacNicol, M., Cragle, C. and MacNicol, A. (2011) Context-dependent regulation of Musashi-mediated mRNA translation and cell cycle regulation. Cell Cycle, 10, 39-44.
Montales, M., Rahal, O., Rogers, T., Kang, J., Wu, X. and Simmen, R. (2012) Repression of mammosphere formation in breast cancer cells by soy isoflavone genistein and blueberry polyphenols. Carcinogenesis, 33, 652-60.
Mulkey, S., Fontenot, E., Imamura, M. and Yap, V. (2011) Therapeutic hypothermia in a neonate with perinatal asphyxia and transposition of the great arteries. Ther Hypoterm Temp Manage, 1, 205-208.
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Onal, M., Galli, C., Fu, Q., Xiong, J., Weinstein, R., Manolagas, S. and O’Brien, C. (2011) The RANKL distal control region is required for the increase in RANKL expression, but not the bone loss, associated with hyperparathyroidism in adult mice. Mol Endocrinol, 26, 341-348.
Owens, S., Atchley, W., Hambuchen, M., Peterson, E. and Gentry, W. (2011) Monoclonal antibodies as pharmacokinetic antagonists for the treatment of (+)-methamphetamine addiction. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets, 10, 892-898.
Przybyla, B., Shafirstein, G., Koonce, N., Webber, J. and Griffin, R. (2012) Conductive thermal ablation of 4T1 murine breast carcinoma reduces severe hypoxia in surviving tumor. Int J Hypertermia, 28, 156-162.
Rahal, O. and Simmen, R. (2011) Paracrine-acting adiponectin promotes mammary epithelial differentiation and synergizes with genistein to enhance transcriptional response to estrogen receptor B signaling. Endocrinology, 152, 3409-3421.
Su, Y., Shankar, K., Rahal, O. and Simmen, R. (2011) Bidirectional signaling of mammary epithelium and stroma: implications for breast cancer–preventive actions of dietary factors. J Nutr Biochem, 22, 605-611.
Upreti, M., Jamshidi-Parsian, A., Koonce, N., Webber, J., Sharma, S., Asea, A., Mader, M. and Griffin, R. (2011) Tumor-endothelial cell three-dimensional spheroids: New aspects to enhance radiation and drug therapeutics. Journal of Translational Oncology, 4, 365-376.
Wang, X., Greenfield, W., Coleman, H., James, L. and Nakagawa, M. (2012) Use of interferon-g enzyme-linked immunospot assay to characterize novel T-cell epitopes of human papillomavirus. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 8.
Interdisciplinary Toxicology
Brents, L., Gallus-Zawada, A., Radominska-Pandya, A., Vasiljevik, T., Prisinzano, T., Fantegrossi, W., Moran, J. and Prather, P. (2012) Monohydroxylated metabolites of the K2 synthetic cannabinoid JWH-073 retain intermediate to high cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1R) affinity and exhibit neutral antagonist to partial agonist activity. Biochem Pharmacol, 83, 352-961.
Brents, L., Medina-Bolivar, F., Seely, K., Nair, V., Bratton, S., Nopo-Olazabal, L., Patel, R., Liu, H., Doerksen, R., Prather, P. and Radominska-Pandya, A. (2012) Natural prenylated resveratrol analogs arachidin-1 and -3 demonstrate improved glucuronidation profiles and have affinity for cannabinoid receptors. Xenobiotica, 42, 169-156.
Brents, L., Reichard, E., Zimmerman, S., Moran, J., Fantegrossi, W. and Prather, P. (2011) Phase I hydroxylated metabolites of the K2 synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018 retain in vitro and in vivo cannabinoid 1 receptor affinity and activity. PLoS One, 6.
Detweiler, N., Srivastava, A., Pathan, A., Kharade, S. and Rusch, N. (2011) Smooth Muscle Excitability. In Sperelakis, N. (ed.) Cell Physiology Source Book. Elsevier, pp. 771-782.
Howell, M. and Gottschall, P. (2012) Altered synaptic marker abundance in the hippocampal stratum oriens of Ts65Dn mice is associated with exuberant expression of versican. ASN Neuro, 4.
Seely, K., Brents, L., Radominska-Pandya, A., Endres, G., Keyes, G., Moran, J. and Prather, P. (2012) A major glucuronidated metabolite of JWH-018 is a neutral antagonist at CB1 receptors. Chem Res Toxicol, 25, 825-827.
Wu, X., Tong, Y., Shankar, K., Baumgardner, J., Kang, J., Badeaux, J., Badger, T. and Ronis, M. (2011) Lipid fatty acid profile analyses in liver and serum in rats with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis using improved gas chromatography-mass spectrometry methodology. J Agric Food Chem, 59, 747-754.
Microbiology & Immunology
Cane, S., Ponnappan, S. and Ponnappan, U. (2012) Impairment of non-muscle myosin IIA in human CD4+ T cells contributes to functional deficits in the elderly. Cell Mol Immunol, 9, 86-96.
Lei, M., Cue, D., Alba, J., Junecko, J., Graham, J. and Lee, C. (2012) A single copy integration vector that integrates at an engineered site on the Staphylococcus aureus chromosome. BMC Res Notes, 5, 5.
Potluri, L., dePedro, M. and Young, K. (2012) Escherichia coli low-molecular-weight penicillin-binding proteins help orient septal FtsZ and their absence leads to asymmetric cell division and branching. Mol Microbiol, 84, 203-224.
Voth, D., Broederdorf, L. and Graham, J. (2012) Bacterial Type IV secretion systems: versatile virulence machines. Future Microbiol, 7, 241-257.
Neurobiology & Developmental Sciences
Aboud, O., Mrak, R., Boop, F. and Griffin, S. (2012) Apolipoprotein epsilon3 alleles are associated with indicators of neuronal reslience. BMC Med, 10, 35.
Liu, L., Aboud, O., Jones, R., Mrak, R., Griffin, W. and Barger, S. (2011) Apolipoprotein E expression is elevated by interleukin 1 and other interleukin 1-induced factors. J Neuroinflammation, 8, 175.
Garcia-Rill E, Simon C, Smith K, Kezunovic N, Hyde J. (2011) The pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus: Arousal from slices to humans: implications for DBS. J Neural Transm. 118: 1397-1407. PMID:20936418
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Yates, C., Garrison, K., Reese N.B., and Garcia-Rill, E. (2011) Novel mechanism for hyper-reflexia and spasticity. Prog Brain Res 188: 167-180. PMCID:3031992
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Yates, C., Garrison, K., Charlesworth, A., Reese N.B., and Garcia-Rill, E. (2011) Therapeutic approaches for spinal cord injury induced spasticity. Transl Neurosci 1: 160-169. DOI:10.2478/v10134-010-0021-z
Woods, A.J., Mennemeier, M., Garcia-Rill, E., Huitt, T., Chellette, K., McCullough, M., Wallace, J., Brown, C., Kiser, J. (2011) Improvement in arousal, visual neglect, and perception of stimulus intensity following cold pressor stimulation. Acta Neurobiol Exp 71: 1-11. PMID: 22013983
Simon, C., Kezunovic, N., Williams, D.K., Urbano, F.J., and Garcia-Rill, E. (2011) Cholinergic and glutamatergic agonists induce gamma frequency activity in dorsal subcoeruleus nucleus neurons. Amer J Physiol Cell Physiol 301: C327-335, 2011. PMID: 21543743
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Simon, C., Hayar, A., and Garcia-Rill, E. (2012) Developmental changes in glutamatergic fast synaptic neurotransmission in the dorsal subcoeruleus nucleus. Sleep 35: 404-417.
Kezunovic, N., Hyde, J., Simon, C., Urbano, F.J., Williams, D.K., and Garcia-Rill, E. (2012) Gamma band activity in the developing parafascicular nucleus (Pf). J Neurophysiol 107: 772-784. PMID: 22090455
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Nursing Science
McSweeney, J., Pettey, C., Souder, E. and Rhoads, S. (2011) Disparities in women’s cardiovascular health. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 40, 362-371.
Rhoads, S. and Mengel, M. (2011) Making your office alcohol-exposed pregnancy prevention friendly. Arkansas Medical Society Journal, 108, 62-64.
Snellgrove (Sifford), S., Beck, C., Green, A., McSweeney, J. Victim or Initiator? (2012) Caregiver Perceptions of Resident Characteristics that Contribute to Resident-to-Resident Violence in Nursing Homes. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 5(1), 55-63.
Ray, T., Henry, K., Green, A. (2011). Physical Activity and Obesity in Children with Congenital Heart Disease. Cardiology in the Young, 21(6), 603-607.
Green, A., Meaux, J., Huett, A. (2011). “It Has Its Ups and Downs”: Adolescents’ Quality of Life after Heart Transplant. Progress in Transplantation, 21 (2), 115-120.
Jeffs, D., Wright, C., Scott, A., Kaye, J., Green, A., Huett, A. (2011). Soft on Sticks”: An Evidence-Based Practice to Approach to Reduce Children’s Needlestick Pain. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 26 (3), 208-15.
Ray, T., Henry, K. (2011) Self-efficacy & Physical Activity in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: Is There a Relationship? Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 16, 105-112.
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Gokhale, M. and Martin, B. (2011) Prescription-acquired acetaminophen use and potential overuse patterns: 2001-2008. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 21, 226-230.
Kashyap, A. and Li, C. (2012) Trends in utilization of management strategies for newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation patients in the United States: 1999 to 2008. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 25, 151-159.
Kelkar, M., Cleves, M., Foster, H., Hogan, W., James, L. and Martin, B. (2012) Acute and chronic acetaminophen use and renal disease: a case-control study using pharmacy and medical claims. J Manag Care Pharm, 18, 234-246.
Brents, L., Reichard, E., Zimmerman, S., Moran, J., Fantegrossi, W. and Prather, P. (2011) Phase I hydroxylated metabolites of the K2 synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018 retain in vitro and in vivo cannabinoid 1 receptor affinity and activity. PLoS One, 6.
Detweiler, N., Srivastava, A., Pathan, A., Kharade, S. and Rusch, N. (2011) Smooth Muscle Excitability. In Sperelakis, N. (ed.) Cell Physiology Source Book. Elsevier, pp. 771-782.
Holthoff, J., Wang, Z., Seely, K., Gokden, N. and Mayeux, P. (2012) Resveratrol improves renal microcirculation, protects the tubular epithelium, and prolongs survival in a mouse model of sepsis-induced acute kidney injury. Kidney Int, 81, 370-378.
Joseph, B., Thakali, K., Pathan, A., Kang, E., Rusch, N. and Rhee, S. (2011) Postsynaptic density-95 scaffolding of Shaker-type K+ channels in smooth muscle cells regulates the diamter of cerebral arteries. Journal of Physiology, 89, 5143-5152.
Owens, S., Atchley, W., Hambuchen, M., Peterson, E. and Gentry, W. (2011) Monoclonal antibodies as pharmacokinetic antagonists for the treatment of (+)-methamphetamine addiction. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets, 10, 892-898.
Pathak, E., MacMillan-Crow, L. and Mayeux, P. (2012) Role of mitochondrial oxidants in an in vitro model of sepsis-induced renal injury. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 340, 192-201.
Pathan, A. and Rusch, N. (2011) Two-pore domain K+ channels: Evidence for TWIK-2 in blood pressure regulation. Hypertension, 58, 539-41.
Thakali, K., Pathan, A., Kharade, S. and Rusch, N. (2012) Potassium, Sodium and Chloride Channels in Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells. In Hill, J. and Olson, E. (eds.), Muscle: Fundamental Biology and Mechanisms of Disease. Elsevier Inc, Vol. 2, pp. 1133-1144.
Thompson, M., Marecki, J., Marinesco, S., Labrie, V., Roder, J., Barger, S. and Crow, J. (2011) Paradoxical roles of serine racemase and d-serine in the G93A mSOD1 mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Neurochemistry.
Wang, Z., Holthoff, J., Seely, K., Pathak, E., Spencer, H., Gokden, N. and Mayeux, P. (2012) Development of oxidative stress in the pertubular capillary microenvironment mediates sepsis-induced renal microcirculatory failure and acute kidney injury. Am J Pathol, 180, 505-516.