Policies and Procedures of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Graduate Council
With Reference to the Bylaws of the UAMS Graduate School Covering the period of time from April 20, 1995 through August 23, 2002
Prepared by the Ad-Hoc Committee to Review and Compile Graduate Council Policies
January 31, 2003
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Mission Statement 3
Organization of the UAMS Graduate School 3
Graduate Faculty Membership and Advisory Committee Assignments 4
Graduate Faculty Meetings 6
Composition of the Graduate Council 7
Election of Voting Faculty Graduate Council Members 8
Graduate Council Chair 8
Graduate Council Meetings 9
Attendance at Graduate Council Meetings 9
Standing Committees of the Graduate Council 9
Committee Members 10
Committee on Curriculum 12
Committee on Faculty 13
Committee on Assessment 14
Graduate School Office 15
Catalog and Student Handbook 15
Amendments to the Bylaws 15
Procedures 16
Other Matters Pertaining to Graduate Studies Not Covered in the Bylaws 16
Committee on Allocation of Graduate Student Research Funds 16
Graduate Student Recruitment 16
Graduate Student Honor Code 16
Graduate Student Change of Program 16
Continuous Enrollment of Graduate Students 16
Degree Requirements 16
Academic Standing 16
Appendix A: Graduate Course Approval Form
Appendix B: Graduate Course Cross Listing Form
Appendix C: Graduate Council’s Recommendations Concerning Multidisciplinary Studies
Appendix D: Guidelines for New Program Track Approval
Appendix E: Request for New Graduate Program Guidelines
Appendix F: Graduate Faculty Application Form
Appendix G: Committee on Faculty Charge and Requirements for Graduate Faculty Status
Appendix H: Definitions used by the Committee on Assessment
Appendix I: Graduate Student Honor Code
Policies and Procedures of the
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Graduate Council
On September 3, 2002, the Graduate Council Chair charged an Ad-Hoc Committee to review minutes of Graduate Council meetings and extract from those minutes Graduate Council policies, official statements, or “sense of the Council” positions and philosophies on various matters. Minutes included in the review covered the time period from April 20, 1995 through August 23, 2002. The policies, official statements, or sense of the Council positions and philosophies on various matters contained within this document are organized in a manner similar to the Bylaws of the UAMS Graduate School. An additional section is provided to list policies that are not specifically listed as items in the UAMS Graduate School Bylaws. For reference, the Bylaws (approved April 11, 1995) are included in italics in this document prior to policies, official statements, or sense of the Council positions and philosophies. All policies, official statements, or sense of the Council positions and philosophies on various matters include reference to minutes of specific meetings enclosed in parentheses.
Mission Statement
The mission of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences is to provide excellent educational opportunities for students of the health care professions in a stimulating environment of basic and clinical research, integrated with the delivery of superb comprehensive health care services.
In February of 1996, the UAMS Graduate School officially became independent from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. The specific mission for the UAMS Graduate School is:
- To educate researchers, educators and advanced professionals in the health sciences;
- To develop new knowledge and techniques fundamental to advances in health services, biomedical technology, and understanding of people in the context of health and illness;
- To provide initial and continuing educational opportunities for health science faculties at all institutions in the state;
- To provide a gateway for health science professionals and teachers in the state into the universe of knowledge relevant to their practices at the most advanced level and highest standard of excellence.
All this to be in an atmosphere characterized by relationships of mutual respect, integrity, and good will.
I. Organization of the UAMS Graduate School
The Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas authorizes the establishment of the Graduate School at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and directs the Graduate Faculty of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to develop specific programs leading to Masters and Doctoral level graduate degrees. The Graduate Faculty and the Dean of the Graduate School, both assisted by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Graduate Council, shall have primary responsibility for the development, policies and quality of these graduate programs.
A. Graduate Faculty
1. The Graduate Faculty shall have legislative authority for all graduate academic matters. These matters include development of policies for the Graduate School, development and periodic review of courses and programs, review of the Graduate School Catalog and Student Handbook, selection of members of the Graduate Faculty, and approval of students for degrees to be awarded. All legislative actions are subject to the policies of the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees and approval of the Board of Trustees after review and recommendation by the Dean of the Graduate School, the Chancellor of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and the President of the University of Arkansas.
2. Members of the Graduate Faculty shall consist of the Chancellor of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, the Dean of the Graduate School, and all members
who are elected to membership by the Graduate Faculty through vote of the Graduate Council. Initially, the Graduate Faculty shall consist of those faculty and adjunct faculty of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences who hold graduate faculty status at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Graduate Faculty meetings, called by the Dean of the Graduate School, shall be held periodically.
B. The Dean of the Graduate School
The Dean of the Graduate School will be appointed by the Chancellor of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, with approval of the President of the University of Arkansas. He/she will have administrative responsibility for implementing policies and procedures relating to graduate education. This responsibility, in addition to duties reflected elsewhere, shall include directing the operations of the Graduate School Office, admitting students for graduate study (upon recommendation by the appropriate program), monitoring the progress of graduate students, and verifying that students have met Graduate School requirements for degrees. Furthermore, by his/her work with students, faculty, other administrative officials, and persons and agencies outside the University, he/she shall provide the leadership required to maintain the highest academic integrity for the Graduate School at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and to maintain and develop superior research and instructional programs for graduate education. The Dean shall be assisted in these responsibilities by the Graduate Council.
C. The Graduate Council
The Graduate Council shall act on behalf of the Graduate Faculty on routine matters of policy interpretation, curriculum and course review, and review of applications for Graduate Faculty status. The operating procedures of the Graduate Council are defined by the Bylaws of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Graduate School. The Graduate Faculty retains the authority to review and approve or disapprove any legislative action of the Council.
II. Graduate Faculty Membership and Advisory Committee Assignments
A. Bylaws
Initial membership of the Graduate Faculty is described in the Statement of Organization and additional members will be selected by the Graduate Council upon recommendation by the Committee on Faculty (see Graduate Council Committees). Individuals with Masters or Doctoral degrees may apply for membership. Although members of the Graduate Faculty are assigned academic rank by the College of their primary appointment, there are no numerical levels, status, or classifications assigned to members of the Graduate Faculty in relation to their Graduate School activities. Only members of the Graduate Faculty are permitted to serve as course directors of graduate level courses. Only members of the Graduate Faculty with previous research experience are permitted to advise research for graduate credit. The Dean of the Graduate School shall approve thesis and dissertation committee assignments presented by the appropriate program in concurrence with the following guidelines:
a) All Graduate Faculty assigned to thesis and dissertation committees must have previous research experience.
b) Those Graduate Faculty members with an appropriate Master’s degree may serve on Master’s thesis committees.
c) Those Graduate Faculty members with an appropriate Master’s degree and previous graduate teaching experience, or with an appropriate Doctoral degree may chair or serve on Master’s thesis committees and serve on Doctoral dissertation committees.
d) Those Graduate Faculty members with an appropriate Doctoral degree and previous graduate teaching experience as a faculty member may chair or serve on Master’s thesis committees and Doctoral dissertation committees.
In each of these situations teaching experience is defined as classroom teaching, membership on thesis or dissertation committees, or directing students in research projects.
Programs will periodically review their faculty for active participation in graduate programs. Those individuals who have not been actively involved in graduate education may, at the request of the program, be removed from the Graduate Faculty roster by the Graduate Council. These individuals may appeal this decision to the Dean of the Graduate School.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
1. Dissertation Committee Membership
The Dissertation Committee will include no fewer than five (5) UAMS Graduate Faculty members (3/27/97). The Doctoral Advisory Committee will include no fewer than five (5) UAMS Graduate Faculty members, one of whom will be designated as Chair to the Graduate School Office. With a program’s request and approval of the Graduate Council, one person who is not a UAMS Graduate Faculty member may serve as a required Doctoral Advisory Committee member, but may not serve as Chair of the committee (5/18/00).
Graduate programs that wish to have an individual without UAMS Graduate Faculty status serve on a dissertation committee should submit that individual’s curriculum vitae to the Committee on Faculty along with a cover memo. The cover memo should describe in a short paragraph the relationship between the student’s educational needs and the expertise of the proposed committee member (8/17/00).
Emeritus status of Graduate Faculty members does not in any way preclude the faculty member from continuing to serve on thesis or dissertation committees (4/20/00).
2. Graduate Student or Faculty Member in Remote Status
On April 17, 1997, “An Accord Involving a Graduate Student or Faculty Member in Remote Status” was approved by the UAMS Graduate Council and accepted as policy of the UAMS Graduate School. A statement of its existence and availability was placed in the Graduate Student Handbook. General Policies included in this document are given below. In addition, the graduate student or faculty member in remote status must complete the accompanying forms for the Graduate Student and Faculty Member Accord available in the Graduate School Office.
a) All UAMS students, whether physically present on UAMS property or located at another institution must fulfill all graduation requirements, including campus clearance procedures, in order to graduate from UAMS.
d) Faculty members who leave UAMS and who wish to retain their role as major advisor must be appointed as an Adjunct Faculty Member by the Dean of the faculty member’s College for a period of time necessary and sufficient for the student to complete all graduation requirements. Graduate Faculty status will be extended co-terminus with the adjunct appointment.
c) Graduate students in remote status are required to meet with their advisory committees at least once during each academic year. If the majority of the student’s advisory committee members are UAMS faculty members in residence at UAMS, the committee meeting it to be held at UAMS. If all members of the advisory committee agree in writing, teleconference may be used to meet this purpose.
d) The student is required to defend his/her dissertation or thesis at UAMS. All members of the student’s advisory committee are to be present for the defense.
e) Students in remote status are required to pay tuition to UAMS for all registered class hours.
f) Full-time UAMS students are required to provide proof of health insurance.
3. Dissertation Defense and Successful Completion
After a student presents a written dissertation to the Doctoral Advisory Committee, the Committee Chair (with concurrence of the committee members) will schedule a dissertation defense (5/18/00).
Approval of 80% of the Dissertation Committee is required for acceptance of the Dissertation (3/27/97).
The structure of the dissertation should be the prerogative of the Program and is subject to review by the Graduate Council through the Committee on Assessment and the assessment process (4/15/99).
III. Graduate Faculty Meetings
A. Bylaws
Graduate Faculty meetings, called by the Dean of the Graduate School, shall be held at least once a year. The Dean shall also call special meetings when he/she sees the need or upon written petition of at least twenty members of the Graduate Faculty. Announcements of each meeting, together with a written agenda, shall be sent to the Graduate Faculty at least two weeks before the meeting. The Dean, assisted by the Graduate Council, shall determine the agenda for each meeting; however, any other item may be presented from the floor and added to the agenda with approval of a majority of the members present. Ten percent of the total Graduate Faculty shall constitute a quorum for a Graduate Faculty meeting. With the exception of amendments to the bylaws, motions on the floor of a meeting will be passed by a simple majority vote of the Graduate Faculty members present. The Dean shall send the minutes of each meeting to the Graduate Faculty. Actions taken at the meeting shall be considered the policy of the Graduate Faculty two weeks after the minutes have been distributed. Approved academic policies shall be kept in the Graduate School Office and shall be reflected in the Graduate School Catalog and Student Handbook.
IV. Composition of the Graduate Council
A. Bylaws
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Graduate Council shall consist of a voting representative from each of the following graduate programs:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Clinical Nutrition
Communicative Disorders
Genetic Counseling
Health Promotion and Prevention Research
Health Systems Research
Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences
Interdisciplinary Toxicology
Microbiology and Immunology
Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences
Nursing Science
Occupational and Environmental Health
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Physiology and Biophysics
And any subsequent additional graduate programs approved by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education and are currently active. Should the name of an existing program change, no additional administrative action is required and the program’s voting representation remains the same.
The Graduate Council will determine by a two thirds vote of the total voting membership if newly approved programs will have a representative. The elected president of the Graduate Student Association will be a member of the Council who is eligible to vote on all matters except those pertaining to Graduate Faculty status. The Dean of the Graduate School, the Director of the Graduate School Office, and the Registrar of the Graduate School will be ex officio, non-voting members. The Registrar of the Graduate School will serve as secretary and recorder at meetings of the Graduate Council. Additional ex officio, non-voting members are the Deans of the Graduate Schools at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
The Graduate Council must convey to the faculty and administrators of all graduate programs that it takes its responsibilities very seriously and will act in a fair and just manner on items under its purview as given it by the graduate faculty (8/16/01).
Faculty members who serve as Chairs of Graduate Council Standing Committees, but are not voting members of the Graduate Council are to attend all meetings of the UAMS Graduate Council (5/30/96).
V. Election of Voting Faculty Graduate Council Members
A. Bylaws
Voting faculty representatives to the Graduate Council shall be elected from each program by those individuals holding Graduate Faculty status within that program. Representatives will be elected for non-consecutive, four-year terms with the initial membership consisting of the members of the previously elected University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Graduate Committee. These four-year terms will be staggered such that approximately one-fourth of the Council will be newly elected each year. The elections, which will be conducted by the Dean of the Graduate School, shall be held in May. A program ballot listing all eligible Graduate Faculty Members shall be distributed with a return envelope. For purposes of these elections, each faculty member shall have a designated primary program in which he/she is eligible to vote and serve as a representative. Department Chairpersons are not eligible for election to serve as representatives. The ballot will be marked and returned to the Dean. The Graduate School Office will tabulate the results and notify the Dean and the program. Election of the Council member requires a majority of the votes cast. In the event that no faculty member receives a majority vote, the representative will be elected by a runoff between the two members receiving the most votes.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
By-Laws state that Program Chairs cannot serve as members of the Graduate Council. If a Graduate Council member becomes a Program Chair, a new representative must be elected. In some circumstances, the Graduate Council member who becomes a Program Chair may continue duty on a Graduate Council Standing Committee if necessary (11/19/98).
The sense of the Graduate Council is that the process of replacement of Graduate Council members who are unable to complete their elected term is left to the program for devising the mechanism for electing a replacement representative (8/15/02).
When a Program is electing a member to the Graduate Council, all faculty with a primary appointment in that Program should be listed on the ballot, including adjunct faculty. It would be necessary to restructure the Bylaws for a program to have a nominating committee or otherwise arrange for an alternative method of election (4/9/98).
VI. Graduate Council Chair
A. Bylaws
Members of the Graduate Council will in alternate years elect a chair from their membership for a two year term. This individual will be elected at the first meeting following the May elections. The duties of the Chair will include preparing the agenda for Council meetings, presiding at meetings, and other duties as directed by the Graduate Council. The chairman will be a voting member of the Council if his/her program does not have another voting representative. In addition, this individual will, with the assistance of the Director of the Graduate School Office, be responsible for assigning Graduate Faculty members to serve as faculty marshals for the Graduate School portion of the annual commencement ceremony.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
The Graduate Council Chair serves as an Ex Officio member on all standing committees of the Graduate Council (6/29/95).
If the need for a temporary substitute for the Graduate Council Chair arises, the Graduate Council member with seniority will substitute (11/19/98).
The Graduate Council Chair is allowed to e-mail proposed editorial changes in the language of Graduate Council resolutions to Council members for comment and vote prior to publication of the minutes (12/16/99).
VII. Graduate Council Meetings
A. Bylaws
A simple majority of the membership is required as a quorum before Graduate Council business can be transacted. The Graduate Council will be scheduled to meet at least once a month with the time and place to be determined by the membership. A proposed agenda will be sent to members of the Council by the Chair at least one week before each meeting. In the event no business is placed before the Council, the Chair shall send a written notice of cancellation one week prior to the meeting. The minutes of each Graduate Council meeting shall be sent to all members of the Graduate Faculty. When appropriate, the Graduate Council may refer questions to the Graduate Faculty in either an open meeting or by mail ballot.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
The Graduate Council Chair is allowed to e-mail proposed editorial changes in the language of Graduate Council resolutions to Council members for comment and vote prior to publication of the minutes (12/16/99).
VIII. Attendance at Graduate Council Meetings
A. Bylaws
If a Council member is unable to attend a meeting, he/she may designate a Graduate Faculty alternate from the program. In the event that a representative is unable to fulfill his/her four year term on the Council, the Program Director will request a special election to replace that representative. This newly elected member will complete the term of the original representative and will be eligible for re-election to another four-year term. If a representative fails to attend three consecutive council meetings, he/she and the program director will be contacted to determine if another representative needs to be elected.
IX. Standing Committees of the Graduate Council
Committee Members
A. Bylaws
Each of the standing committees shall consist of at least four members with each College (Health Related Professions, Nursing, Pharmacy and Medicine) having representation on the committee. Members will serve a two year term. These individuals will be nominated by a committee composed of the Dean of the Graduate School, the Chairperson of the Graduate Council and two Council members selected by the Council. Committee members will be elected by a majority vote at the first meeting after the May elections. Committee membership is not restricted to members of the Graduate Council; however, at least one Council member must serve on each committee at all times. Each Committee will elect its own chairperson.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
The Graduate Council Chair serves as an Ex Officio member on all standing committees of the Graduate Council (6/29/95).
Every member of the Graduate Council should serve on one of the Standing Committees (5/15/97).
Faculty members who serve as Chairs of Graduate Council Standing Committees, but are not voting members of the Graduate Council are to attend all meetings of the UAMS Graduate Council (5/30/96).
Graduate Students will be represented on the Committee on Curriculum by the Vice-President of the Graduate Student Association (GSA) or some other member of the GSA, and this person is a voting representative (12/19/96).
For the purpose of electing members to the three Graduate Council Standing Committees, a Nominating Committee was appointed consisting of the Chairs of the three Graduate Council Standing Committees, representatives from Nursing Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, the College of Health Related Professions, the Dean of the Graduate School, and the Graduate Council Chair (3/19/98).
If Standing Committee member participation becomes problematic where quorums are difficult to assemble at the Standing Committee meetings, the Graduate Council should consider applying the replacement mechanism established in the By-Laws for Graduate Council member participation to the Standing Committee membership (1/28/99).
When Standing Committee membership vacancies occur, a procedure for replacement of members (who are not Graduate Council members) was suggested. The Chair of the Standing Committee where the vacancy occurs should recommend candidates to the Graduate Council for approval (3/18/99).
Operational procedures for Standing Committee membership (approved 9/16/99):
1) Non-Council members of the Council’s subcommittees may resign from their committee. Resignation requires written notification of both the committee chair and the Council Chair. The reason for this is to facilitate coordination between the committee and the Council in obtaining a replacement. Such replacements will be elected by the whole Council as stipulated by the selection process in the Bylaws. Non-Council members who fail to fulfill their obligation will be replaced by the same procedure detailed in the Bylaws applicable to Council members.
2) Council members may not resign from their committee responsibilities without resignation from the Council. Failure to meet committee obligations are considered as equivalent to failure to meet Council obligations making the member subject to removal from both bodies by the procedure detailed in the Bylaws.
3) In accordance with the Bylaws, committee members are elected for (2) year terms. These elections will be held at the August Council meeting. The election of Council members takes place in May and Council normally does not schedule meetings in June and July because of quorum considerations. Holding the committee elections in August of the appropriate year will allow the Nominations Committee an opportunity to develop a suitable slate of candidates taking into account the newly elected members to Council.
4) Whether by accident or design the Council is currently electing committee members on odd numbered years and the Council Chair on even numbered years. This works well because a new Council Chair can become oriented to his/her responsibilities before dealing with the committee membership issue. Therefore, this should be established operational procedure.
Each Standing Committee should establish a binder that includes all documents concerning the business of the committee. This procedure will help new committee members to review old business and readily understand established operational procedures of the committee. A duplicate copy of all procedures should also be kept in a procedures manual located in the Graduate School Office (10/21/99).
Committee on Curriculum
A. Bylaws
This committee will review and make recommendations to the Graduate Council on proposals for:
a) new courses for graduate credit
b) changes to existing graduate courses such as alterations in title, description, number, prerequisites, etc.
c) deletion of courses for graduate credit
d) new or revised graduate tracks leading to a degree
e) merging or eliminating existing degree tracks
f) new or revised graduate degree programs
g) merging or eliminating graduate degree programs.
Upon recommendation of the Committee on Curriculum, the Graduate Council shall have the authority to change as appropriate the forms and materials needed to document these actions. In the case of new degree program proposals, this committee is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the proposal are submitted in accordance with the format and policies of the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees and the Arkansas Department of Higher Education.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
1. Committee on Curriculum Review and Recommendation on Proposals
a) New Courses for Graduate Credit
Course Approval Form: The Course Approval Form was approved on May 30, 1996 and is included in Appendix A. The purpose of including “possible off-site offerings” on the Course Approval Form is for the Catalog course description, not criteria for course approval (3/28/96).
The Course Cross Listing Form was approved on May 30, 1996 and is included inAppendix B.
The UAMS Graduate School will schedule a one week Spring Break for all graduate students (7/27/95).
In Programs which have several divisions involved, the Department Chair should designate the academic officer who has the responsibility for quality control of the courses (1/25/96).
Grades of “Pass” or “No Pass” will be permitted for certain courses. These courses require approval of the Committee on Curriculum (8/15/96).
No course can be presented without prior approval by the Graduate Council (10/24/96).
The Graduate Council does not really have the power to prevent faculty from teaching a course. The Graduate Council does have the power to request the Dean of the Graduate School not to allow graduate credit for a course that has not received Graduate Council approval (8/16/01).
One hour of graduate credit will be given for no fewer than fifteen (15) and no more than seventeen (17) fifty (50) minute class meetings or the equivalent in clinical or laboratory time (9/17/98).
The Graduate Council, through a Committee on Curriculum recommendation, is the final authority on credit hours for graduate courses (10/15/98).
An “Interdisciplinary Studies” or “Multidisciplinary Studies” Ad-Hoc Committee was formed to review the framework for courses that cross more than one department and do not “fit the mold” (8/20/98).
The report of the “Multidisciplinary Studies” Ad-Hoc Committee was amended, approved and forwarded to the Dean of the Graduate School. The amendment to the report was that the proposed “Coordinator of Multidisciplinary Studies” be a non-voting, ex officio member of the Graduate Council (4/15/99). The report is included asAppendix C.
b) Changes to Existing Graduate Courses
Major changes in course delivery, student evaluation techniques, or course content (such that the course is different from that described in the Graduate School Catalog) must be approved by the Graduate Council (10/24/96).
If the content of a didactic course requires an increase in contact hours, a course revision form should be submitted to the Committee on Curriculum (5/16/03).
c) Deletion of Courses for Graduate Credit
Every two years, coincident with the revision of the Graduate School Catalog, the Graduate School Office will generate a listing of courses offered and actually taught by each graduate program. The Graduate School Office will transmit this information to the appropriate program. Each program will submit a brief justification to the Graduate Council for the retention of program courses not taught over the past two years. Retention of courses not taught for four or more years will require resubmission to the Graduate Council for approval; otherwise such courses will be deleted from the Graduate School Catalog (10/21/99).
d) New or Revised Graduate Tracks Leading to a Degree
A “Track” is a focused area of study within or across Programs (12/19/96).
The Committee on Curriculum should review Tracks before they are presented to the Graduate Council (12/19/96).
Approved Tracks will be designated on the Academic Record Card (12/19/96).
The guidelines for New Program Track Approval were developed and approved by the Graduate Council (2/17/00). The Guidelines for New Program Track Approval are included as Appendix D.
e) Merging or Eliminating Existing Degree Tracks
No published Council policies in Minutes from 4/20/95 through 8/23/02.
f) New or Revised Graduate Degree Programs
All significant Program changes need to be approved by the Graduate Council (2/29/96).
Guidelines for submission of a Request for a New Graduate Program were developed and are included as Appendix E.
g) Merging or Eliminating Graduate Degree Programs
No published Council policies in Minutes from 4/20/95 through 8/23/02.
2. Committee on Curriculum’s Positions on the Clinton School
The UAMS Graduate Council supports the concept of developing a graduate program in Leadership and Public Service in conjunction with the Clinton School. The Graduate Council would need more detailed information about faculty and the degree requirements to consider the program for approval. The Graduate Council has guidelines for new program approvals and welcomes the opportunity to cooperate with the Clinton School faculty in developing the program (11/18/99).
C. Historical Actions of the Committee on Curriculum
The Pathophysiology Ph.D. Track was approved on May 28, 1998.
The Non-Thesis Option for the M.S. Program in Clinical Nutrition was approved on May 28, 1998.
A task force to formulate a proposal for an Interdisciplinary Track for Graduate Studies in Genetics was developed (11/18/99).
The Pharmaceutical Sciences Ph.D. Track in the Pharmacology Program was approved (2/15/01).
The Non-Thesis M.S. Degree in Anatomy and Neurobiology was approved by Graduate Council (2/21/02).
Committee on Faculty
A. Bylaws
This committee will review applications for membership in the Graduate Faculty and make recommendations to the Graduate Council. Upon recommendation of the Committee on Faculty, the Graduate Council shall have the authority to change the format of faculty application forms and materials needed for support or documentation. This committee shall also be responsible for making recommendations regarding all other matters pertaining to Graduate Faculty status.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
The Committee on Faculty will develop guidelines for evaluation of faculty that are subject to approval of the Graduate Council (1/25/96).
The Graduate Faculty Application Form was approved on May 30, 1996 and is included as Appendix F. The Faculty Application Form was modified so that the signature of the Department Chair would be required unless the Graduate School Office is notified that someone else is acceptable (8/21/97).
Graduate Faculty members approved before the separation of the Graduate School from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville (on May 16, 1996) are not subject to the requirement of a UAMS appointment. That requirement is waived for those individuals approved before that date (9/11/97).
The charge to the Committee on Faculty and requirements for UAMS Graduate Faculty Status are included in Appendix G.
Committee on Assessment
A. Bylaws
This committee will review and recommend to the Graduate Council, for approval by the Graduate Faculty, policies and procedures for on-going, systematic program evaluation. In addition, this committee will oversee the implementation of the periodic program review established as part of an approved assessment plan.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
The document entitled “Existing Program Review Self-Study for Four-Year Institutions” obtained from the Arkansas Department of Higher Education formed the basis of the data which needs to be collected from each graduate program (9/28/95).
One year following a review, a program needs to be examined to check for implementation of suggestions resulting from the review (9/28/95).
The Assessment Document was approved by the Graduate Council on February 19, 1998.
The Committee on Assessment developed a document to deal with definitions to use in the assessment process. The document was reviewed and approved as Policy by the Graduate Council on April 15, 1999. The document contains three sections as described below, and the whole document is included as Appendix H.
1) Definitions of Probation, Suspension of Admissions, and Termination.
2) Mechanism on how a graduate program addresses issues of concern.
3) The chain of command in the flow of information regarding program assessment.
In providing written recommendations to the Graduate Council regarding assessment for a particular program, the Committee on Assessment should provide recommendations pertaining to the specific program, and a separate document containing recommendations relevant to all Graduate Programs (12/17/98).
The structure of the dissertation should be the prerogative of the Program and is subject to review by the Graduate Council through the Committee on Assessment and the assessment process (4/15/99).
The Graduate Council passed a Resolution regarding the assessment process on February 16, 2001. The completion of the self-assessment process for four graduate programs has taught the Graduate Council the value of data on the professional progress of a program’s alumni as a measure of program quality. Therefore, the Graduate Council strongly urges that every program develop its own collection and maintenance procedures for following their graduates for a period of time suitable for professional development evaluation. The Graduate Council is aware that this time period will vary with discipline (2/16/01).
C. Historical Actions of the Committee on Assessment
The assessments of the M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences and M.N.S. in the Nursing Sciences Program began (5/28/98).
The Committee on Assessment’s report on the M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences Program was reviewed and approved by the Graduate Council (12/17/98).
The assessment of the Audiology and Speech Pathology Program and the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program began (10/21/99).
The Committee on Assessment’s report for the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program was approved by the Graduate Council (11/16/00).
The assessment of the Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program began (3/16/00).
The Committee on Assessment’s report for the Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program was approved by the Graduate Council (8/16/01).
The Committee on Assessment’s report on the Clinical Nutrition Program was approved by Graduate Council (10/18/01).
The assessments of the Physiology Program and the Microbiology and Immunology Program began (3/21/02).
The Committee on Assessment’s report for the Anatomy and Neurobiology Program was reviewed, amended, and approved by the Graduate Council (5/23/02).
X. Graduate School Office
A. Bylaws
Under the direction of the Dean of the Graduate School, the Graduate School Office shall have full responsibility for maintaining graduate student records, processing applications for admission, monitoring student progress, producing a catalog and student handbook, and any other administrative actions deemed appropriate by the Dean of the Graduate School. The purpose of the Graduate School Office is to provide administrative support to the graduate programs. To that end, the Graduate Council may at any time make recommendations or voice concerns to the Dean of the Graduate School regarding operations of the Graduate School Office.
The Graduate School Office will maintain all Graduate Faculty records and will provide administrative support to the Graduate Council.
B. Graduate Council Philosophies, Policies, Positions, Statements, or Sense
A Task Force was formed to study Admission Procedures for the Graduate School (8/16/01).
The MCAT score may substitute for the GRE score for admission into the M.D./Ph.D. Program. However, this relates to the M.D./Ph.D. Program only and does not depict a sense of the Graduate Council that the MCAT is a suitable substitute (8/15/02).
The UAMS Graduate School will schedule a one week Spring Break for all graduate students (7/27/95).
The sense of the Council was that it supports a uniform application fee for all graduate students (4/17/97).
XI. Catalog and Student Handbook
A. Bylaws
At the time of approval of these bylaws the existing catalog and student handbook will remain in effect. The administrative sections of these documents may be changed at the direction of the Dean of the Graduate School. The academic sections of these documents may be changed by action of the Graduate Council. Changes of this nature require a two- thirds vote of those Council members voting. If deemed necessary by the Council, any item pertaining to changes in the catalog and/or student handbook may be referred to a vote of the Graduate Faculty in either an open meeting or by mail ballot.
XII. Amendments to the Bylaws
A. Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those Graduate Faculty responding to a mail ballot. The proposed amendment will be discussed at a Graduate Faculty meeting after appearing on the printed agenda that is distributed to the Faculty before the meeting. A copy of the proposed amendment will then be mailed to all Graduate Faculty together with a ballot which will be returned to the Dean. At least ten percent of the Graduate Faculty must respond to make the vote valid. Results of the vote will be reported by mail to all Faculty together with a revised copy of the bylaws if the amendment is passed. Amendments will take effect two weeks after results of the vote have been reported to the Graduate Faculty.
XIII. Procedures
A. Bylaws
Where not otherwise specified, meetings and procedures of the Graduate Faculty and Graduate Council will be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
XIV. Other Matters Pertaining to Graduate Studies Not Covered in the Bylaws
A. Committee on the Allocation of Graduate Student Research Funds (CAGSRF)
A Chair-Elect of the CAGSRF will be elected every 2 years who would then succeed to the Chair of the CAGSRF in order to ensure that the Chair of CAGSRF would have experience with the committee (10/26/95).
B. Graduate Student Recruitment
All recruiting materials used by Programs must be reviewed by the Graduate School Office before they are printed. The Graduate School Office is responsible for everything that goes out from all Programs even though the Programs are based in the various Departments or Colleges (2/29/96).
C. Honor Code
The Honor Code for Graduate Students was approved by the Graduate Council on April 9, 1998. The Honor Code is included as Appendix I.
D. Graduate Student Change of Program
It is not necessary to form a policy regarding a student who changes from one program to another without completion of a degree in the initial program (4/9/98).
E. Continuous Enrollment of Graduate Students
If a student has completed all degree requirements but has not delivered a thesis or dissertation to the library, it is the decision of the Program Chair and Advisor as to whether the student should register for one hour of Thesis or Dissertation for subsequent semesters until the Graduate School receives confirmation that the thesis or dissertation has been accepted by the library (12/17/98).
The UAMS Campus-Wide Policy on students being called to active military duty applies to UAMS Graduate Students (10/18/01).
F. Degree Requirements
A Task Force for reviewing the administrative portion of published degree requirements was formed (1/20/00). Significant changes to the administrative portion of published degree requirements were approved by Graduate Council (5/18/00).
For the M.S. graduates who complete a thesis which is placed in the library as a degree requirement, the transcript issued by the Graduate School Office has the title of the thesis placed on the transcript. This is exactly the same mechanism that is used for doctoral dissertations. Also, for M.S. graduates who complete a thesis, the transcript will indicate the student was registered for at least six hours of thesis that is graded. The combination of thesis grades posted on the transcript and the thesis title noted on the transcript would be an indication to a prospective employer that the student engaged in research of some type. A prospective employer would have to dig deeper to determine the nature and quality of the research. For M.S. graduates who do not complete a thesis, the transcript contains the notation “Non Thesis Option” (2/21/02).
G. Academic Standing
If a student has less than a 2.85 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on ten (10) or more semester credit hours of coursework applicable to a graduate degree program, the student will be placed on academic probation. The student will be dismissed from the Graduate School if the cumulative GPA is not raised to 2.85 on the next ten (10) hours of graduate coursework approved by the student’s program (1/18/01).
Appendix A
Graduate Course Approval Form
File: <Course.dot> available from Graduate School Office
Appendix B
Graduate Course Cross Listing Form
File: <Course Cross Listing Form.dot> available from Graduate School Office
Appendix C
Graduate Council’s Recommendations Concerning Multidisciplinary Studies
Appendix D
Guidelines for New Program Track Approval
The UAMS Graduate Council has the responsibility for the review and approval of new program tracks within and across existing programs. Request for new program tracks should be developed by addressing each of the following areas and submitting the appropriate supporting information. Submissions are made to the Chair of the UAMS Graduate Council through the Graduate School Office.
Rationale And Need For The Program Track
- State the title of the proposed track, the projected starting date and the rationale for the new track. Provide information on student interest, job availability, corporate demand, and employment projections.
- List the names of all primary faculty involved in the proposed track. Include faculty curriculum vitae’s in the Appendix.
- Describe how the track will be organized and coordinated within the degree-granting program.
Curriculum outline
- Identify core courses in the degree program major.
- Identify new courses.
- Provide an outline of the course sequencing for each semester.
- Include course approval requests for all proposed new courses.
Student Recruitment
- Describe how students will be recruited and the anticipated number of students that will enter the program each year.
New Costs
- New administrative costs, number of new faculty, new library resources and costs, new instructional equipment and costs, new/renovated facilities and costs, other new costs (secretarial support, supplies, etc.)
Budget and Source of Funding
- Provide a budget for operation of the program track and indicate the source of funding. Include the source of funding for graduate student stipends and tuition for all years of graduate study.
Promotion and Dismissal
- Address the process for evaluation of student progress and causes for student dismissal.
Provide how the track will meet the established UAMS Graduate School requirements in each of the following areas:
- Thesis / Dissertation
- Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee
- Candidacy Examination
- Declaration of Intention
- Residency Requirement
- Thesis/Dissertation Credits
- Thesis/Dissertation Approval and Submission
- Student Appeals Process
Appendix E
Request for New Graduate Program Guidelines
Request for New Graduate Program
Submission of proposal to the UAMS Graduate Council
Provide a brief description of the proposed program. Include when the program will be implemented, an overview of the curricular additions or modifications, information on program costs, faculty resources, library holdings, facilities and equipment, and any other information that would serve as an introduction to the program and provide clarification.
- Provide survey data on student interest, job availability, corporate demand, and employment projections.
- Explain how the proposed program is consistent with the institutional role-and-scope designation that appears in the most recent edition of the Arkansas Higher Education Plan.
- Indicate the source of potential students from outside the institution and from other programs within the institution. Provide projections of potential enrollees for the next three years. Explain the basis for these projections.
- Provide data on regional or national needs for graduates of the proposed program.
- Provide data to support other identified needs that could be met through the initiation of the program.
- Discuss labor market demands: Include survey results of the area/state employers.
- Set forth a systematic set of arguments defining the place of the proposed program within the statewide economic and social context.
- Identify new courses, provide an outline of the proposed course sequence
- Include nature and timing of comprehensive examination, thesis or non-thesis (for MS programs) and the nature of the dissertation (Ph.D. programs) requirements. Also include any other degree requirements not covered elsewhere.
- If national accreditation or certification is required, detail plans to obtain such. If not required, but if accreditation or certification will be sought, detail plans to obtain.
List the names and credentials (including rank) of all faculty involved in teaching courses in the program.
- Library
- Indicate the number of volumes, monographs, periodicals, microform units, audio visual materials, etc., that will be available in existing library holdings to service the program. Concentrate specifically on resources that would be suitable for graduate-level reference work.
- Provide a list of periodicals available in paper or microform as well as indexed on databases. If the list is extensive, provide examples.
- Provide an assessment of the quality of the existing library resources for the program. Include information on the percentage of holdings supporting the program that have a publication date within the last five years.
- Indicate additional library resources necessary to provide a minimum quality program. Make use of any library standards that may have been developed for the discipline in question. If additional resources are needed, provide a plan including a dollar commitment for acquiring these resources within two years.
- Physical Facilities
- Show that adequate classroom, laboratory, storage, and office space will be available to support the program without creating a hardship on any existing program or hampering the program once established.
- Explain where the faculty, equipment, materials, etc., for the program will be housed. If laboratories will be required, what arrangements exist for such facilities?
- Indicate how the program can be housed without creating a hardship for existing programs.
- Explain any additional facilities that will be required for the program.
- Equipment
- Show that instructional equipment needed in carrying out the new program will be available to initiate the program and support it through its growth to a mature offering.
- Identify existing instructional equipment that will be available to support the needs of the program and explain how this equipment can be diverted for use without hindering existing programs.
- Explain what new instructional equipment will be necessary to support the program. Give details in the budget section on sources of funding for new equipment acquisition.
- Identify existing research equipment that will be available to support the needs of the program and explain how this equipment can be diverted for use without hindering existing research efforts. At the graduate level, research among faculty and students will be a necessity and provision of equipment to carry out competent research in the field must be available or it must be demonstrated that such equipment will be available to support program research efforts.
- Describe any new research equipment necessary to support the program.
- Provide a projected budget for the program.
- Summarize the resource requirements for the program, to include staffing, academic support, maintenance and operation, and facilities. Identify new costs. Summarize the sources of support for the program, to include reallocation and new revenues. If existing resources will be reallocated to support the new program, give specifics of how existing programs will be affected by the reallocation.
Indicate the budgetary sources for all new costs. Include new funding sources and their source as well as reallocation of funds and the categories from which those funds have been obtained. Include the use of tuition and other fees that will be generated by the new program.
Provide a detailed organizational chart for the new program.
- Specialized Accreditation Requirement for Program
- Licensure/Certification Requirements for Student Entry into the Field
Provide a copy of the Board Resolution (for submission to ADHE only).
- Provide a listing of similar programs in within and around the state.
- Indicate how the competition of new students and the ability of graduates to obtain suitable positions will be impacted.
- Project the program’s first-year student enrollment by numbers and race.
- Indicate present faculty, by race and sex, to be involved in the program.
- Project by number any anticipated increase in faculty and staff to be involved during the first two years of the program.
- Identify approaches to be used to attract and recruit minority students and faculty for the program.
Appendix F
Graduate Faculty Application Form
File: <Faculty.dot> available from Graduate School Office
Appendix G
Committee on Faculty Charge and Requirements for Graduate Faculty Status
Appendix H
Definitions Used by the Committee on Assessment
Appendix I
Graduate Student Honor Code