Electrophysiology of olfactory bulb and cerebellar neurons – Alcohol research – Rhythmic motor movements such as licking and running – Effects of radiation on neuronal function – Imaging neuronal network – Synchronous bursting of neurons.
Abdallah Hayar, Ph.D.
Randy Haun
Martin Hauer-Jensen
Terry Harville
Kristie Hadden, Ph.D.
Donna Gullette, D.S.N., B.N.
W. Sue T. Griffin, Ph.D.
Robert J. Griffin, Ph.D.
Radiation and Cancer biology, exosomes and cell to cell crosstalk in stem cell differentiation and activity, nanomedicine applications. Dr. Griffin’s research interests include: molecular and physiological mechanisms of radiation and thermal sensitization; modulation of tumor blood flow, angiogenesis and oxygenation; biology and physiology of thermal therapy; and oxygen partial pressure as predictor of cancer treatment […]