I am working on identification of the cellular mechanisms that control cell growth and development. I am particularly interested in the role and regulation of stem cells in neural development and in cancer. *not accepting students as a major advisor
Stavros Manolagas
Melanie MacNicol, Ph.D.
Angus MacNicol, Ph.D.
My research focuses on cell cycle control, stem cells, cancer stem cells, drug discovery, mRNA translation, and vertebrate development.
Lee Ann MacMillan-Crow, Ph.D.
Elucidation of biochemical mechanisms involved with kidney damage during sepsis and transplantation. Focus on mitochondria, cell death, and oxidant generation as well as novel therapies to reduce damage.
Samuel Mackintosh
Vladimir Lupashin, Ph.D.
My laboratory is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for the generation and maintenance of intra-cellular membrane-bounded compartments. In all eukaryotic cells intracellular membrane trafficking is critical for a range of important cellular functions including protein secretion, post-translational modifications, cell signalling, cell polarization, and cell maintenance. Defects in membrane trafficking can underline, or even […]
Curtis Lowery, M.D.
Jia Liu, Ph.D.
The Liu lab studies host intrinsic innate signaling using poxvirus as probing tool. We also engineer poxviruses for immunotherapy of cancer such as ovarian cancer.
Lin-Xi Li, Ph.D.
Adaptive immunity to Chlamydia female reproductive tract infection.