Date: January 16, 2020
To: Members of the UAMS Graduate Council
From: Dr. Melanie MacNicol, Chair
Subject: Graduate Council Meeting Minutes – January 16, 2020
Members Present: Drs. Melanie MacNicol, Joshua Phelps, Patricia “Trish” Wright, Boris Zybaylov, David Ussery, Gunnar Boysen, and Lin-Xi Li
Members Absent: Frank Simmen, Andrew James, Jerry Ware, Antino Allen and William Fantegrossi
Non-voting Members: Drs. Robert McGehee and Latrina Prince, Marlon Louzeiro (Recorder), and Samantha Huckuntod (GSA President)
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting:
Dr. Melanie MacNicol began the meeting by asking for approval of the minutes from December 9, 2019. The December 9, 2019 Graduate Council minutes were approved.
Administrative Items:
Dr. Robert McGehee
There were changes to online registration in GUS for spring 2020. This semester, students were able to register for classes in GUS during late registration. In the past, students were required to submit the paper Add/Drop form during late registration. This form required signatures from the instructor and the Graduate School Dean or Assistant Dean. Dr. McGehee mentioned that allowing students to register in GUS during late registration was much easier for students and faculty. The committee was reminded of the last day for registration for spring 2020, January 17th.
A list of classes available for each term that is easily accessible online is needed. There was discussion on the early deadlines for submitting classes for upcoming terms. The deadlines are too far in advance. For example, the deadline for summer classes is in January.
Dr. McGehee asked the committee to be patient with the Graduate School through staffing challenges. The Director of Admissions position is now vacant and will be posted soon. Leslie Humphries who works with Dr. McGehee and Arkansas Biosciences Institute is assisting the Graduate School temporarily.
Information was shared on the upcoming Student Research Day (SRD). The abstract submission portal will be available soon. Dr. McGehee reminded everyone that Student Research Day will be a “Black-out Day” for the entire campus. Students will not have to attend classes. This year’s event will be held on Tuesday, March 10th. All events will be held in I. Dodd Wilson. Dr. McGehee reviewed the activities associated with the SRD including the poster sessions, 3-Minute Thesis, the McGehee lecture, IPE workshops, and awards presentations. This year’s speaker for the McGehee lecture will be Dr. Jonathan Clark. He is a distinguished lecturer in biomedical research and education, and has had a remarkable career. Dr. McGehee stated that Dr. Clark was the chief flight surgeon for NASA where he was responsible for many manned space flights, and he established the first ACGME approved residency program in Space Medicine. Dr. McGehee shared many other details regarding Dr. Clark’s career and why he would be a great speaker for the McGehee lecture. An announcement regarding SRD will be emailed by Dr. McGehee soon. The dates for the 3-MT competition were announced along with additional information on winners. There will be one winner and runner up from each college. There will be no IPE activities this year.
The committee was informed that Cord Carter completed the program with a master’s degree and is now working at Fisk University in Nashville, TN. Samantha Huckuntod will now serve as the GSA president.
Dr. McGehee is very excited about potential graduate faculty growth. Dr. Baer, the new Executive Director for the Cancer Institute, will be joining UAMS soon.
The Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) program affiliated with UALR, UCA and UAMS has been reorganized due to financial difficulties. Dr. McGehee met with the Dr. Wallace, CHP and the entire CSD department to discuss future directions.
There have been schedule changes to this year’s commencement ceremony. Commencement will now be held at 9am at Simmons Banks Arena. Due to the earlier time, the Graduate School’s Commencement Brunch has been canceled. Plans for the Graduate’s Schools Commencement celebration are still undecided.
Dr. McGehee mentioned the possibility the COPH graduate programs (epidemiology, Health Systems and Services Research, Health Promotion and Prevention Research) affiliating with the Graduate School for fall 2020.
Latrina Prince
There was one new policy approved in December 2019. Students enrolled in 100% online degree programs will be eligible in-state tuition even if they live outside of Arkansas.
Report from the Graduate Student Association (GSA)
Samantha Huckuntod mentioned that she will be the new GSA president until the end of spring semester. She invited the committee to participate in the GSA meeting that will occur on January 17th in the Biomedical 2 Building. The GSA will be planning this semester’s events at the upcoming meeting.
Old Business:
New Business:
Dr. McGehee met with the Program Assessment Committee (Drs. Phelps, Macnicol, and Wright) to discuss developing a program assessment plan for the Graduate School. He provided copies of an assessment template created by Dr. Prince and an assessment template example created by the University of Kentucky. Dr. McGehee would like to have a program assessment template that is simple and similar to the examples he shared with the committee. Everyone received a copy of both templates and was asked to view and provide feedback before the next meeting. Latrina will email the templates to the committee.
Courses that are currently in GUS will be used to populate the academic catalog. Changes to courses that are listed in GUS are due to the registrar’s office by February 1, 2020. Latrina sent a list of all courses in GUS to the program directors and asked for edits.
No report
Committee Reports
Curriculum Committee
Dr. McGehee mentioned that a program at the Clinton School of Public Service is affiliated with the Graduate School. The Clinton School sent a new course approval form for review and approval about 48 hours before the regularly scheduled Graduate Council meeting. Dr. McGehee wanted to give the committee additional information regarding the Clinton School’s affiliation with the Graduate School prior to review and approval of the new course. Therefore, the course approval form and syllabus is being presented at today’s meeting and was not emailed to the Curriculum Committee in advance due to the limited time. The course approval form and syllabus were reviewed by all members. Dr. Melanie MacNicol motioned to vote on approval of the new course. The committee voted to approve.
Faculty Committee
No report
Program Assessment
No report
Academic Senate
No report
There was no additional information to discuss after the committee reports. The meeting was adjourned.
Adjourned at 5:00 p.m.