Track Leader: Dr. Zhiqiang Qin
Year 1 Fall (12 credit hours)
GPIBS Core Curriculum
Year 1 Spring (12 credit hours)
1 credit hour GPIBS Seminar (IBSD 5110V)
1 credit hour Scientific Communication and Ethics II (PHAR 51191)
3 credit hours General Physiology (PHYO 51003)
3 credit hours Histology and Laboratory Screening (PATH 61303)
3 credit hours Biostatistics (BIOS 50133) or Biometrical methods
1 credit hour Research (PATH 6800V)
Each summer until graduation
1 credit hour Research (PATH 6800V)
Year 2 Fall (9 credit hours minimum)
1 credit hour GPIBS Seminar (IBSD 5110V)
1 credit hour Scientific Communication and Ethics III (PHAR 51201)
3 credit hours Pathologic Basis of Disease (PATH 61103)
3-6 credit hours Electives*
1-3 credit hours Research (PATH 6800V)
Year 2 Spring (9 credit hours minimum)
1 credit hour GPIBS Seminar (IBSD 5110V)
1 credit hour Scientific Communications and Ethics IV (PHAR 51231)
3-6 credit hours Electives*
4-5 credit hours Research (PATH 6800V)
*Electives are chosen at the discretion of the mentor and the student’s advisory committee. Possible courses include but are not limited to:
Cancer Biology (BIOC 61302), Basic Biology of Aging (PHYO 61033), Immunology (MBIM 51033), Molecular Epidemiology (EPID 63353), Cellular Endocrinology (PHYO 51033), Human Development (NBDS 51093), Molecular Cell Biology (PHYO 61044), Systems Therapeutics (PHAR 61003), Introduction to Oncology (INTX 5082-old number), Cancer Epidemiology (EPID 53333), Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (EPID 53263), and Basic Neuro (NBDS 51003)
Year 2 Summer
Candidacy Exam (research proposal submitted to committee followed by oral defense)
1 credit hour Research (PATH 6800V)
Years 3- Until Degree Completion
Students will enroll in 1 credit hour Seminar (IBSD 5110V) for each of the remaining semesters and 8 credit hours of Dissertation Research (a minimum of 18 credits is required).
Students must meet with their advisory committee semiannually, demonstrate continuous progress, and successfully defend their research project in written and oral format prior to completion of the degree.